Talk Therapy has started making short information videos/posts on their instagram page to support parents.  

Please click here: (click here)

Kooth is being provided now as a free, safe and anonymous service to support young people’s emotional and mental health in Birmingham. Because young people have suddenly had exams cancelled, transition arrangements thrown up in the air and are dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on their loved ones this is important. The new service was successfully launched yesterday for young people from year 6, aged 11 up to 25. The full offer, including online self-referral.

Kooth is linked into the wider mental health support from Forward Thinking Birmingham and offers:

  • Online mental health counselling and chat services from midday to 10pm during the week, and 6pm to 10pm at weekends
  • Peer to peer support through moderated discussion forums
  • Self-care tools and resources to build resilience
  • Early response to and identification of emotional wellbeing and mental health problems
  • And there are no waiting lists, referrals or thresholds to access the service

The number of young people and families facing different levels of vulnerability and need is higher than ever right now. So, as a school we wanted to share the following contacts which are available to support:

For Parents/Carers

  1. Urgent mental health help line:  ring 0121 262 3555 for advice and support. This line is available 24 hours, 7 days a week and can be used whether you are known to the service or not.
  2. Foodbanks:
  1. Domestic Violence: Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid
    Helpline: 0808 800 0028. Open 7 days a week 9.15am – 5.15pm (closed bank holidays)
  1. Finally, a reminder that there is a lot of other early help in the city for all young people and families.  Click here for see a whole range of offers:   Birmingham Children’s Partnership - Resources | Birmingham Children’s Partnership - Resources | Birmingham City Council

For Children and Young People

  1. Kooth:  (Online chat, resources and direct help for 10-25yr olds)
  1. Pause (Mental health and emotional wellbeing support): to register and request support online via or call the registration line 0207 841 4470. 

Please click on the link to see the support being offered by the Cedar Church for local families too.