Every aspect of the children's work is influenced by the extent to which they use language with imagination and accuracy. Competence in reading, writing, speaking and listening is encouraged throughout the curriculum in order to enable the children to communicate appropriately and effectively. We teach English daily as a discrete subject from Year 1 to Year 6 for writing and SPaG; All year groups follow the National Curriculum, with opportunities for English in the Foundation Stage being incorporated within the child’s day according to principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Opportunities for cross-curricular writing are also planned for.
At Sundridge Primary we use the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme. RWI is a method of learning centred around a systematic program of teaching phonics, and we use it to support children in their reading and writing. The programme is introduced in the Reception class and consolidated throughout Key Stage 1 in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check in Year 1. Opportunities are also given during Key Stage 2 for further consolidation of phonics and some pupils undertake specific intervention programmes if they experience difficulties with reading.
When using RWI to read the children will:
learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts
learn to read words using Fred Talk
read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound outshow that they comprehend the stories by answering questions.
We prioritise early reading and adopt a consistent approach:
Whole Class Reading (Key Stage 2)
Once children have passed the phonics screening check and demonstrate a secure phonetic knowledge, they move to whole class reading (from Spring Year 2 unless still requiring phonics instruction). We use a range of texts, (Fiction and non-fiction including the 5 plagues) to focus on exposing children to a wide range of text types. Through this curriculum, children are exposed to Tier 2 vocabulary. They practice fluency and pace through echo and timed reading activities and are taught, through direct instruction, a range of specific question types linked to the content domains stated in the National Curriculum.
We implement our whole class reading sessions in a consistent way throughout school:
Love of Reading
We enjoy putting reading at the heart of our school because it is a vital, lifelong skill that enables children to explore the entire curriculum, lays the foundation for study and employment and is such a fantastic method of ‘escapism’ to help with mental health and wellbeing. We aim to inspire and develop a love of reading throughout our school, creating readers for life with a knowledge of authors and texts.
We recognise that children who are keen readers are more likely to experience success within school and as they progress to employment. As a school we are encouraging frequent reading as well as exciting opportunities to explore books and ‘get lost’ in the adventures, that books can take us on:
Children gain an understanding of new authors; every month a new author is introduced to them, extracts book read to them during assembly – learning facts about the author. Books are displayed for the children to access and enjoy.
There is a calming library that can be used for sharing stories and finding info-graphic books linked to learning.
A daily shared story in every class from EYFS through to Year 6.
Weekly DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) sessions take place. The children are alerted to this with a message and then a session during the day is devoted to drop everything ad read a chosen book from the dedicated area of DEAR books.
Eye-catching, exciting reading corners within all classrooms.
Class sets of books in Year 2-6 to use in whole class reading.
Books located throughout school.
Books used to introduce writing and other foundation topics.
Whole school book celebrations