Parents - please view our Year 6 SATs Presentation for further information about the upcoming SATS tests.

SATS Presentation

SATs_Parents_Presentation__2023.pptx .pptx

Year 6 - A Big Welcome to your last  year at  Sundridge Primary School !


Welcome to the Year 6 page! I am the class teacher for Year 6 and my name is Mrs Hodson. We are very lucky as we have Mr Thomson and Miss Grainger working with us.  We work closely with other staff members, especially in the run up to SATS.

 Year 6 provides a happy learning environment where all children are encouraged, engaged and challenged in their learning in order to reach their full potential.

Our aim is to give each child the stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the forthcoming challenges of Secondary School and to be Secondary ready.

Year 6 is a very important year as the children prepare for their end of Key Stage SATs.  In order to support children and parents we provide Inspire style workshops, inviting parents to work with their children to gain insight into the expectations made of the children.  

Our classroom is a stimulating environment which motivates children to work hard and achieve highly whilst having fun. We strive to provide the children with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum catering to the needs of all children.

Homework : The recommended time for homework for Year 6 is 2.5 hours per week.  Homework is set each half term, with weekly activities for Maths and English, as well as half termly activities for other subjects. Please support your child with their home learning.

 All pupils in Year 6 will receive packs of practice SATs papers following the Inspire Workshops and provide a focus for revision through the Spring Term. There is also an option to buy revision workbooks at a discounted price.

Curriculum: During the year, we will be working hard to practise for our SATS. However, we also enjoy some interesting creative curriculum topics. We will be learning about World War II; Britain since 1945 and The Americas. We will be playing the glockenspiel in music; creating masterpieces in Art and designing and running an Enterprise Project. Class 6 will learn skills in tag rugby, tennis, swimming, cricket/rounders, dance and gym. In science, we will learn about how living things are classified; genetics and inheritance; fossils and dinosaurs; electricity; light and the human body. We also work hard to ensure that the children are ready for the big transition to secondary school, and are prepared for puberty too.

Expectations and behaviour: I expect all children to be in correct uniform and footwear. Please ensure that hair accessories and jewellery follow school rules. PE is on a Tuesday. In Year 6, children need to wear their full PE kit. We often go outside, so a plain tracksuit is ideal in the winter. I expect all clothing to be named.

The children have designed their own class rules. These are:


We always try our best.

We bring the right equipment and clothing to school.

We follow instructions quickly.

We prioritise learning in lesson time.


We listen to the person who is meant to be speaking.

We look after our own and other people's property.

We respect the beliefs and feelings of others.

We demonstrate good manners.

We choose the right vocabulary.


We move around class and school sensibly.

We use equipment correctly, as instructed.

We ask for help if needed.

We find ways to solve problems.


 Year 6 TARGETS: Please see the Curriculum Targets page.

 Year 6 is a very important year, where the foundations for Secondary school are laid. Please encourage good attendance and support with home learning. I will be running workshops to support with SATS. During September, it is important to visit the Secondary Schools' Open Evenings.  Many Year 6 pupils start being more independent in this final year. Please ring if you have any concerns; I cannot help if I don't know about the worry.

Please do sent an email or note in if your child is walking home without an adult. I cannot send them home without you unless I have been informed first. Many thanks, Mrs Hodson.

If your child brings a mobile, they need to bring home a permission slip first for you to authorise this and to make you aware of the safeguarding requirements. We would prefer all valuables to be left at home where possible. 



 Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.


A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!


A revision site based upon the old Key Stage 2 Tests but still contains lots of useful information for both Maths and English.


Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games.  Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.


Maths and English revision materials, including worksheets to look at online or to print off and practise with.


Tests!  View on screen or print off for free.


Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.


This site has loads of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.


Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.


A range of English games and activities.


Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.


General sites with Maths and English games:  


SATs Inspire Workshop will be held this year to enable Parents and children to enjoy the opportunity to work together to learn about the forthcoming SATS. 


Revision Guides for English and Maths will be available for sale. If you are interested,

ask Mrs Hodson who will be happy to help.


SATs Master Class out of hours club will be offered  and pupils who attend have fun

and make good progress with personalised revision opportunities.



White Rose Maths Worksheets for Year 6 Autumn 

Year_6_Block_1_Place_Value.pdf .pdf

Curriculum Overview for Autumn



   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.


Parents - please view our Year 6 SATs Presentation for further information about the upcoming SATS tests.

SATS Presentation

SATs_Parents_Presentation__2023.pptx .pptx

Year 6 - A Big Welcome to your last  year at  Sundridge Primary School !


Welcome to the Year 6 page! I am the class teacher for Year 6 and my name is Mrs Hodson. We are very lucky as we have Mr Thomson and Miss Grainger working with us.  We work closely with other staff members, especially in the run up to SATS.

 Year 6 provides a happy learning environment where all children are encouraged, engaged and challenged in their learning in order to reach their full potential.

Our aim is to give each child the stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the forthcoming challenges of Secondary School and to be Secondary ready.

Year 6 is a very important year as the children prepare for their end of Key Stage SATs.  In order to support children and parents we provide Inspire style workshops, inviting parents to work with their children to gain insight into the expectations made of the children.  

Our classroom is a stimulating environment which motivates children to work hard and achieve highly whilst having fun. We strive to provide the children with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum catering to the needs of all children.

Homework : The recommended time for homework for Year 6 is 2.5 hours per week.  Homework is set each half term, with weekly activities for Maths and English, as well as half termly activities for other subjects. Please support your child with their home learning.

 All pupils in Year 6 will receive packs of practice SATs papers following the Inspire Workshops and provide a focus for revision through the Spring Term. There is also an option to buy revision workbooks at a discounted price.

Curriculum: During the year, we will be working hard to practise for our SATS. However, we also enjoy some interesting creative curriculum topics. We will be learning about World War II; Britain since 1945 and The Americas. We will be playing the glockenspiel in music; creating masterpieces in Art and designing and running an Enterprise Project. Class 6 will learn skills in tag rugby, tennis, swimming, cricket/rounders, dance and gym. In science, we will learn about how living things are classified; genetics and inheritance; fossils and dinosaurs; electricity; light and the human body. We also work hard to ensure that the children are ready for the big transition to secondary school, and are prepared for puberty too.

Expectations and behaviour: I expect all children to be in correct uniform and footwear. Please ensure that hair accessories and jewellery follow school rules. PE is on a Tuesday. In Year 6, children need to wear their full PE kit. We often go outside, so a plain tracksuit is ideal in the winter. I expect all clothing to be named.

The children have designed their own class rules. These are:


We always try our best.

We bring the right equipment and clothing to school.

We follow instructions quickly.

We prioritise learning in lesson time.


We listen to the person who is meant to be speaking.

We look after our own and other people's property.

We respect the beliefs and feelings of others.

We demonstrate good manners.

We choose the right vocabulary.


We move around class and school sensibly.

We use equipment correctly, as instructed.

We ask for help if needed.

We find ways to solve problems.


 Year 6 TARGETS: Please see the Curriculum Targets page.

 Year 6 is a very important year, where the foundations for Secondary school are laid. Please encourage good attendance and support with home learning. I will be running workshops to support with SATS. During September, it is important to visit the Secondary Schools' Open Evenings.  Many Year 6 pupils start being more independent in this final year. Please ring if you have any concerns; I cannot help if I don't know about the worry.

Please do sent an email or note in if your child is walking home without an adult. I cannot send them home without you unless I have been informed first. Many thanks, Mrs Hodson.

If your child brings a mobile, they need to bring home a permission slip first for you to authorise this and to make you aware of the safeguarding requirements. We would prefer all valuables to be left at home where possible. 



 Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.


A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!


A revision site based upon the old Key Stage 2 Tests but still contains lots of useful information for both Maths and English.


Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games.  Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.


Maths and English revision materials, including worksheets to look at online or to print off and practise with.


Tests!  View on screen or print off for free.


Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.


This site has loads of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.


Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.


A range of English games and activities.


Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.


General sites with Maths and English games:  


SATs Inspire Workshop will be held this year to enable Parents and children to enjoy the opportunity to work together to learn about the forthcoming SATS. 


Revision Guides for English and Maths will be available for sale. If you are interested,

ask Mrs Hodson who will be happy to help.


SATs Master Class out of hours club will be offered  and pupils who attend have fun

and make good progress with personalised revision opportunities.



White Rose Maths Worksheets for Year 6 Autumn 

Year_6_Block_1_Place_Value.pdf .pdf

Curriculum Overview for Autumn



   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.


Parents - please view our Year 6 SATs Presentation for further information about the upcoming SATS tests.

SATS Presentation

SATs_Parents_Presentation__2023.pptx .pptx

Year 6 - A Big Welcome to your last  year at  Sundridge Primary School !


Welcome to the Year 6 page! I am the class teacher for Year 6 and my name is Mrs Hodson. We are very lucky as we have Mr Thomson and Miss Grainger working with us.  We work closely with other staff members, especially in the run up to SATS.

 Year 6 provides a happy learning environment where all children are encouraged, engaged and challenged in their learning in order to reach their full potential.

Our aim is to give each child the stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the forthcoming challenges of Secondary School and to be Secondary ready.

Year 6 is a very important year as the children prepare for their end of Key Stage SATs.  In order to support children and parents we provide Inspire style workshops, inviting parents to work with their children to gain insight into the expectations made of the children.  

Our classroom is a stimulating environment which motivates children to work hard and achieve highly whilst having fun. We strive to provide the children with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum catering to the needs of all children.

Homework : The recommended time for homework for Year 6 is 2.5 hours per week.  Homework is set each half term, with weekly activities for Maths and English, as well as half termly activities for other subjects. Please support your child with their home learning.

 All pupils in Year 6 will receive packs of practice SATs papers following the Inspire Workshops and provide a focus for revision through the Spring Term. There is also an option to buy revision workbooks at a discounted price.

Curriculum: During the year, we will be working hard to practise for our SATS. However, we also enjoy some interesting creative curriculum topics. We will be learning about World War II; Britain since 1945 and The Americas. We will be playing the glockenspiel in music; creating masterpieces in Art and designing and running an Enterprise Project. Class 6 will learn skills in tag rugby, tennis, swimming, cricket/rounders, dance and gym. In science, we will learn about how living things are classified; genetics and inheritance; fossils and dinosaurs; electricity; light and the human body. We also work hard to ensure that the children are ready for the big transition to secondary school, and are prepared for puberty too.

Expectations and behaviour: I expect all children to be in correct uniform and footwear. Please ensure that hair accessories and jewellery follow school rules. PE is on a Tuesday. In Year 6, children need to wear their full PE kit. We often go outside, so a plain tracksuit is ideal in the winter. I expect all clothing to be named.

The children have designed their own class rules. These are:


We always try our best.

We bring the right equipment and clothing to school.

We follow instructions quickly.

We prioritise learning in lesson time.


We listen to the person who is meant to be speaking.

We look after our own and other people's property.

We respect the beliefs and feelings of others.

We demonstrate good manners.

We choose the right vocabulary.


We move around class and school sensibly.

We use equipment correctly, as instructed.

We ask for help if needed.

We find ways to solve problems.


 Year 6 TARGETS: Please see the Curriculum Targets page.

 Year 6 is a very important year, where the foundations for Secondary school are laid. Please encourage good attendance and support with home learning. I will be running workshops to support with SATS. During September, it is important to visit the Secondary Schools' Open Evenings.  Many Year 6 pupils start being more independent in this final year. Please ring if you have any concerns; I cannot help if I don't know about the worry.

Please do sent an email or note in if your child is walking home without an adult. I cannot send them home without you unless I have been informed first. Many thanks, Mrs Hodson.

If your child brings a mobile, they need to bring home a permission slip first for you to authorise this and to make you aware of the safeguarding requirements. We would prefer all valuables to be left at home where possible. 



 Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.


A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!


A revision site based upon the old Key Stage 2 Tests but still contains lots of useful information for both Maths and English.


Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games.  Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.


Maths and English revision materials, including worksheets to look at online or to print off and practise with.


Tests!  View on screen or print off for free.


Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.


This site has loads of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.


Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.


A range of English games and activities.


Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.


General sites with Maths and English games:  


SATs Inspire Workshop will be held this year to enable Parents and children to enjoy the opportunity to work together to learn about the forthcoming SATS. 


Revision Guides for English and Maths will be available for sale. If you are interested,

ask Mrs Hodson who will be happy to help.


SATs Master Class out of hours club will be offered  and pupils who attend have fun

and make good progress with personalised revision opportunities.



White Rose Maths Worksheets for Year 6 Autumn 

Year_6_Block_1_Place_Value.pdf .pdf

Curriculum Overview for Autumn



   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.