Year 1

Hello Year 1

I am Miss Horne the class teacher and working alongside me in Year 1 is Mrs Shoesmith and with support from Miss Jones and Mrs Colin.  We like to work closely with parents and the children to ensure that we can build a strong home-school relationship. Please do not hesitate to come and talk to us about any concerns or questions you may have. In Year 1, we hope to build the children's confidence and independency through investigations, discussions and encouraging the children to ask questions. 



Welcome to the Autumn Term and welcome to a new academic school.  We will be letting you know what we are learning, and sharing this with you and your children over the coming months.  We have an exciting and busy term ahead of us, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us.



  • Exploring a variety of stories such as 'The Shopping Basket by John Burningham' and 'Owl Babies by Martin Waddell' - the children will be encouraged to join in with the repeated phrases, discuss the stories characters and setting and sequence stories.
  • Creating invitations, lists and captions
  • Phonics introduction - is taught daily and books are books are linked to each child's phonic ability. We ask that parents listen to their child read daily. 

Maths - place value

  • Sorting and counting objects
  • Representing objects
  • Recognising numbers as words
  • Counting on and back from a number
  • Finding 1 more and 1 less
  • Comparing groups of objects and numbers
  • Fewer, more and the same
  • Greater than, less than and equal to

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning including; numicon, base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.



RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes. 



PSHE - 'Me and my relationships'

We will be discusing and exploring:-

  • Why we have class rules?
  • How are you listening?
  • Thinking about feelings
  • Our feelings
  • Good friends

History - 'How am I making history?'

We will be discusing and exploring:-

  • What is my history?
  • How we remember special events
  • Find out what childhood was like for people in the past
  • Identify how some things change and how some things stay the same


Science - Seasonal changes

We will be discusing and exploring:-

  • How the weather changes across the 4 seasons
  • Identify events and activities which take place across the 4 seasons
  • Recognise how trees changes across the 4 seasons
  • Understand that daylight hours change across the 4 seasons
  • Observe changes across the 4 seasons

Art - Woven wonders

We will be discusing:-

  • How can art be made?
  • Is it art?
  • Similarities and differences between different artists

We will be  exploring:-

  • Control when using a range of materials
  • Exploring ways to fix and attach different materials

Computing - Improving mouse skills

We will be focusing on:-

  • Logging in
  • Navigating around a computer
  • Drag, drop and click control using a curser
  • Using software tools to create art on a computer



The children take part in music lessons on Tuesdays which are taught by the School Music Service. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Thursday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Thursday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Miss Horne and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.

Curriculum Overview for the Autum 


     The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.


Year 1

Hello Year 1

I am Miss Horne the class teacher and working alongside me in Year 1 is Mrs Shoesmith and with support from Miss Jones and Mrs Colin.  We like to work closely with parents and the children to ensure that we can build a strong home-school relationship. Please do not hesitate to come and talk to us about any concerns or questions you may have. In Year 1, we hope to build the children's confidence and independency through investigations, discussions and encouraging the children to ask questions. 



Welcome to the Autumn Term and welcome to a new academic school.  We will be letting you know what we are learning, and sharing this with you and your children over the coming months.  We have an exciting and busy term ahead of us, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us.



  • Exploring a variety of stories such as 'The Shopping Basket by John Burningham' and 'Owl Babies by Martin Waddell' - the children will be encouraged to join in with the repeated phrases, discuss the stories characters and setting and sequence stories.
  • Creating invitations, lists and captions
  • Phonics introduction - is taught daily and books are books are linked to each child's phonic ability. We ask that parents listen to their child read daily. 

Maths - place value

  • Sorting and counting objects
  • Representing objects
  • Recognising numbers as words
  • Counting on and back from a number
  • Finding 1 more and 1 less
  • Comparing groups of objects and numbers
  • Fewer, more and the same
  • Greater than, less than and equal to

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning including; numicon, base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.



RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes. 



PSHE - 'Me and my relationships'

We will be discusing and exploring:-

  • Why we have class rules?
  • How are you listening?
  • Thinking about feelings
  • Our feelings
  • Good friends

History - 'How am I making history?'

We will be discusing and exploring:-

  • What is my history?
  • How we remember special events
  • Find out what childhood was like for people in the past
  • Identify how some things change and how some things stay the same


Science - Seasonal changes

We will be discusing and exploring:-

  • How the weather changes across the 4 seasons
  • Identify events and activities which take place across the 4 seasons
  • Recognise how trees changes across the 4 seasons
  • Understand that daylight hours change across the 4 seasons
  • Observe changes across the 4 seasons

Art - Woven wonders

We will be discusing:-

  • How can art be made?
  • Is it art?
  • Similarities and differences between different artists

We will be  exploring:-

  • Control when using a range of materials
  • Exploring ways to fix and attach different materials

Computing - Improving mouse skills

We will be focusing on:-

  • Logging in
  • Navigating around a computer
  • Drag, drop and click control using a curser
  • Using software tools to create art on a computer



The children take part in music lessons on Tuesdays which are taught by the School Music Service. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Thursday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Thursday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Miss Horne and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.

Curriculum Overview for the Autum 


     The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.