My name is Mrs. Jolly and I am the class teacher for Year 5. In Key Stage 2, we are so lucky to have support from Ms Conroy, Mr Thomson and Mrs. Lawton.
Year 5 is an exciting and challenging year for the children. In Upper Key Stage 2, children are expected to take a more mature and independent approach towards learning. These skills are developed throughout the year during a variety of tasks and lessons and provide the key foundations that prepare our children for the challenges of year 6.
This year, your child will enjoy a wide and varied range of lessons. Our Wider Curriculum topics include: Vikings and Anglo Saxons, Tudors and Life in the Alps. Our Science will see them journeying further afield into OUTER SPACE - but don't worry, they'll be back for home time! In Maths, they will continue to develop their skills in number, shape and measures and use them to solve real life problems. In Music, the children will be learning to play the ukulele, as well as improving their singing and percussion skills.
Our P.E. sessions will be held on Thursday afternoon (from the second half of the Autumn term), so please ensure that your child comes into school in their kit on that day.
Please call in after school should you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning.
Curriculum Overview for the Autumn Term
The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.
Hello everyone!
I have added some activities to our Year 5 page if you need them in case of absence, school closure or you just want more work to do at home!
Keeping your minds and bodies active in any way that you can will be great. Keep practising those times tables too.
Visit White Rose Maths (some units are free) and complete any units you wish - I recommend that you concentrate on areas you feel you need to work on.
No need to print anything; just work like we do in school, using the screen as if it were a textbook
*Joe Wicks Daily PE - you tube -
*Cosmic Yoga daily session - you tube -
*Bear Grylls indoor scouting activities -
*BBC live lesson - shape and area -
*Science - Live lessons - Light
Adaptation -
Exercise -
*Choose a short film from and write a story. Remember to add lots of description, different sentence openers and develop the characters.
*If you have a printer, for maths
*If you have a printer, for reading work
Study Ladder (passwords are in the purple books), TTRS, Spellingframe, Numbots, Study ladder are all available for you to use.
If you're running low on reading materials, visit or try a free trial of Audible.
Mrs Jolly and Mrs Lawton
Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term
We will be updating this page regularly throughout this term with details of what we have been up to in year 5 so please come back and pay us another visit.