Use of Pupil Premium Allocation 2023-2024
The DFE has benchmarked money that comes into school as 'Pupil Premium' and the DFE expects this money to support pupils who are currently on Free School Meals or have had Free School Meals within the past 6 years.
This Pupil Premium is used to support pupils' attainment and achievement in a variety of ways to ensure that there is not an attainment gap between children eligible for Free School Meals and their peers.
The pupil premium can be used for, and has in the past been used to support the cost of One to One tuition, creative clubs after school and sports clubs after school.
Parents who need the assistance of the pupil premium are supported discreetly and no child or family is publicly identified.
The Government through Ofsted and the local authority monitors the use of the Pupil Premium and expects the school to be able to show that the Premium is supporting FSM families to reach National expectations in reading writing and mathematics and that it removes financial barriers that may impede the social and academic progress a child could make.
Click Here: Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024
Pupil Premium Strategy will be reviewed at the end of the Academic Year 2024-2025