Year 2

Hello Class 2. 

My name is Mrs Croome and I am your class teacher for this year. 

We are supported in class by Miss Jones every Tuesday and we have additional support from several Teaching Assistants during the week, including; Miss Haynes, Mrs Shoesmith and Mrs Colin.

We have planned a very busy and exciting Autumn term. On this page you will be able to read about some of the activities that are coming up. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Monday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Monday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Mrs Croome and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.


Curriculum Information:



In English this term we will be reading stories with familiar settings. We will also be exploring postcards and letters, using different picture books to help us. We will use these texts to support our own creative writing in English and across the wider curriculum.



In our Maths lessons we will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction.  We will use different methods and confidently explain which are the most efficient methods to use. 

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning in Maths including; Numicon, Base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.


Practising our times tables can really support our Maths in the classroom. 


Using Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent way to develop Maths skills in a fun and engaging way. Please let us know if you need a new log in to access these sites.



Our RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes.

This term our dispositions (themes) are: Living by Rules, Being Temperate, Exercising self-discipline, and Cultivating Serene Contentment, Being Regardful of Suffering and Sharing and Being Generous.



Our PSHE is taught in discrete lessons, but underpins everything we teach and learn in Year 2. Our topics this term are; resilience, me and my relationships and valuing difference. School follow the SCARF PSHE scheme.


Geography (Wider Curriculum):

In Geography we will be exploring coasts and the seaside. We will explore seaside resorts in the United Kingdom and those in hotter and colder climates. We will use globes, atlases and a range of maps to find our way around the world. We will learn about planning and following a route using compass directions.



Our History topic is War and Remembrance. We will explore significant people who helped in the First World War, both on the battlefield and at home. We will also think about the importance of remembering the bravery of these people and why they are still significant today. We will look at the symbol of the poppy and why people celebrate Remembrance Day.



In Science this term we will examine and explore a range of materials, discussing their properties. We will conduct investigations to explore waterproof and non-waterproof materials and how materials can change shape when different forces are applied. We will understand the importance of a fair test and display our results in different ways.


Design and Technology:

In our Year 2 Design and Technology lessons we will design and make fabric faces, learning how to cut and join materials in different ways.



Our Art topic is ‘Portraits.’ We will learn how to carefully sketch a face, adding colour. We will look at the work of Picasso and how he used colour and shape to create portraits. 



In Computing lessons this half term, we will be using the internet with a focus on safe searches and online safety.


Useful Websites:

Times Table Rock stars:


White Rose Maths: 

BBC bitesize



Previous Home Learning Tasks

Curriculum Overview of the Autumn Term



Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term


Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term

   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.



Year 2

Hello Class 2. 

My name is Mrs Croome and I am your class teacher for this year. 

We are supported in class by Miss Jones every Tuesday and we have additional support from several Teaching Assistants during the week, including; Miss Haynes, Mrs Shoesmith and Mrs Colin.

We have planned a very busy and exciting Autumn term. On this page you will be able to read about some of the activities that are coming up. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Monday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Monday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Mrs Croome and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.


Curriculum Information:



In English this term we will be reading stories with familiar settings. We will also be exploring postcards and letters, using different picture books to help us. We will use these texts to support our own creative writing in English and across the wider curriculum.



In our Maths lessons we will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction.  We will use different methods and confidently explain which are the most efficient methods to use. 

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning in Maths including; Numicon, Base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.


Practising our times tables can really support our Maths in the classroom. 


Using Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent way to develop Maths skills in a fun and engaging way. Please let us know if you need a new log in to access these sites.



Our RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes.

This term our dispositions (themes) are: Living by Rules, Being Temperate, Exercising self-discipline, and Cultivating Serene Contentment, Being Regardful of Suffering and Sharing and Being Generous.



Our PSHE is taught in discrete lessons, but underpins everything we teach and learn in Year 2. Our topics this term are; resilience, me and my relationships and valuing difference. School follow the SCARF PSHE scheme.


Geography (Wider Curriculum):

In Geography we will be exploring coasts and the seaside. We will explore seaside resorts in the United Kingdom and those in hotter and colder climates. We will use globes, atlases and a range of maps to find our way around the world. We will learn about planning and following a route using compass directions.



Our History topic is War and Remembrance. We will explore significant people who helped in the First World War, both on the battlefield and at home. We will also think about the importance of remembering the bravery of these people and why they are still significant today. We will look at the symbol of the poppy and why people celebrate Remembrance Day.



In Science this term we will examine and explore a range of materials, discussing their properties. We will conduct investigations to explore waterproof and non-waterproof materials and how materials can change shape when different forces are applied. We will understand the importance of a fair test and display our results in different ways.


Design and Technology:

In our Year 2 Design and Technology lessons we will design and make fabric faces, learning how to cut and join materials in different ways.



Our Art topic is ‘Portraits.’ We will learn how to carefully sketch a face, adding colour. We will look at the work of Picasso and how he used colour and shape to create portraits. 



In Computing lessons this half term, we will be using the internet with a focus on safe searches and online safety.


Useful Websites:

Times Table Rock stars:


White Rose Maths: 

BBC bitesize



Previous Home Learning Tasks

Curriculum Overview of the Autumn Term



Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term


Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term

   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.



Year 2

Hello Class 2. 

My name is Mrs Croome and I am your class teacher for this year. 

We are supported in class by Miss Jones every Tuesday and we have additional support from several Teaching Assistants during the week, including; Miss Haynes, Mrs Shoesmith and Mrs Colin.

We have planned a very busy and exciting Autumn term. On this page you will be able to read about some of the activities that are coming up. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Monday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Monday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Mrs Croome and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.


Curriculum Information:



In English this term we will be reading stories with familiar settings. We will also be exploring postcards and letters, using different picture books to help us. We will use these texts to support our own creative writing in English and across the wider curriculum.



In our Maths lessons we will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction.  We will use different methods and confidently explain which are the most efficient methods to use. 

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning in Maths including; Numicon, Base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.


Practising our times tables can really support our Maths in the classroom. 


Using Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent way to develop Maths skills in a fun and engaging way. Please let us know if you need a new log in to access these sites.



Our RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes.

This term our dispositions (themes) are: Living by Rules, Being Temperate, Exercising self-discipline, and Cultivating Serene Contentment, Being Regardful of Suffering and Sharing and Being Generous.



Our PSHE is taught in discrete lessons, but underpins everything we teach and learn in Year 2. Our topics this term are; resilience, me and my relationships and valuing difference. School follow the SCARF PSHE scheme.


Geography (Wider Curriculum):

In Geography we will be exploring coasts and the seaside. We will explore seaside resorts in the United Kingdom and those in hotter and colder climates. We will use globes, atlases and a range of maps to find our way around the world. We will learn about planning and following a route using compass directions.



Our History topic is War and Remembrance. We will explore significant people who helped in the First World War, both on the battlefield and at home. We will also think about the importance of remembering the bravery of these people and why they are still significant today. We will look at the symbol of the poppy and why people celebrate Remembrance Day.



In Science this term we will examine and explore a range of materials, discussing their properties. We will conduct investigations to explore waterproof and non-waterproof materials and how materials can change shape when different forces are applied. We will understand the importance of a fair test and display our results in different ways.


Design and Technology:

In our Year 2 Design and Technology lessons we will design and make fabric faces, learning how to cut and join materials in different ways.



Our Art topic is ‘Portraits.’ We will learn how to carefully sketch a face, adding colour. We will look at the work of Picasso and how he used colour and shape to create portraits. 



In Computing lessons this half term, we will be using the internet with a focus on safe searches and online safety.


Useful Websites:

Times Table Rock stars:


White Rose Maths: 

BBC bitesize



Previous Home Learning Tasks

Curriculum Overview of the Autumn Term



Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term


Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term

   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.



Year 2

Hello Class 2. 

My name is Mrs Croome and I am your class teacher for this year. 

We are supported in class by Miss Jones every Tuesday and we have additional support from several Teaching Assistants during the week, including; Miss Haynes, Mrs Shoesmith and Mrs Colin.

We have planned a very busy and exciting Autumn term. On this page you will be able to read about some of the activities that are coming up. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Monday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Monday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Mrs Croome and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.


Curriculum Information:



In English this term we will be reading stories with familiar settings. We will also be exploring postcards and letters, using different picture books to help us. We will use these texts to support our own creative writing in English and across the wider curriculum.



In our Maths lessons we will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction.  We will use different methods and confidently explain which are the most efficient methods to use. 

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning in Maths including; Numicon, Base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.


Practising our times tables can really support our Maths in the classroom. 


Using Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent way to develop Maths skills in a fun and engaging way. Please let us know if you need a new log in to access these sites.



Our RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes.

This term our dispositions (themes) are: Living by Rules, Being Temperate, Exercising self-discipline, and Cultivating Serene Contentment, Being Regardful of Suffering and Sharing and Being Generous.



Our PSHE is taught in discrete lessons, but underpins everything we teach and learn in Year 2. Our topics this term are; resilience, me and my relationships and valuing difference. School follow the SCARF PSHE scheme.


Geography (Wider Curriculum):

In Geography we will be exploring coasts and the seaside. We will explore seaside resorts in the United Kingdom and those in hotter and colder climates. We will use globes, atlases and a range of maps to find our way around the world. We will learn about planning and following a route using compass directions.



Our History topic is War and Remembrance. We will explore significant people who helped in the First World War, both on the battlefield and at home. We will also think about the importance of remembering the bravery of these people and why they are still significant today. We will look at the symbol of the poppy and why people celebrate Remembrance Day.



In Science this term we will examine and explore a range of materials, discussing their properties. We will conduct investigations to explore waterproof and non-waterproof materials and how materials can change shape when different forces are applied. We will understand the importance of a fair test and display our results in different ways.


Design and Technology:

In our Year 2 Design and Technology lessons we will design and make fabric faces, learning how to cut and join materials in different ways.



Our Art topic is ‘Portraits.’ We will learn how to carefully sketch a face, adding colour. We will look at the work of Picasso and how he used colour and shape to create portraits. 



In Computing lessons this half term, we will be using the internet with a focus on safe searches and online safety.


Useful Websites:

Times Table Rock stars:


White Rose Maths: 

BBC bitesize



Previous Home Learning Tasks

Curriculum Overview of the Autumn Term



Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term


Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term

   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.



Year 2

Hello Class 2. 

My name is Mrs Croome and I am your class teacher for this year. 

We are supported in class by Miss Jones every Tuesday and we have additional support from several Teaching Assistants during the week, including; Miss Haynes, Mrs Shoesmith and Mrs Colin.

We have planned a very busy and exciting Autumn term. On this page you will be able to read about some of the activities that are coming up. 


General Class Information:

A list of weekly Home Learning activities are sent home each half term and need to be returned by Thursday each week. 

PE is on Monday afternoon. Please come into school PE ready every Monday.

Phonic reading books are changed weekly. 

Please have reading books and reading records in school each day as Mrs Croome and other teaching and support staff read with groups on different days.


Curriculum Information:



In English this term we will be reading stories with familiar settings. We will also be exploring postcards and letters, using different picture books to help us. We will use these texts to support our own creative writing in English and across the wider curriculum.



In our Maths lessons we will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction.  We will use different methods and confidently explain which are the most efficient methods to use. 

We will use a range of manipulatives to support our learning in Maths including; Numicon, Base 10, counters, cubes, dice and number lines.


Practising our times tables can really support our Maths in the classroom. 


Using Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent way to develop Maths skills in a fun and engaging way. Please let us know if you need a new log in to access these sites.



Our RE is taught using the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) planning and schemes.

This term our dispositions (themes) are: Living by Rules, Being Temperate, Exercising self-discipline, and Cultivating Serene Contentment, Being Regardful of Suffering and Sharing and Being Generous.



Our PSHE is taught in discrete lessons, but underpins everything we teach and learn in Year 2. Our topics this term are; resilience, me and my relationships and valuing difference. School follow the SCARF PSHE scheme.


Geography (Wider Curriculum):

In Geography we will be exploring coasts and the seaside. We will explore seaside resorts in the United Kingdom and those in hotter and colder climates. We will use globes, atlases and a range of maps to find our way around the world. We will learn about planning and following a route using compass directions.



Our History topic is War and Remembrance. We will explore significant people who helped in the First World War, both on the battlefield and at home. We will also think about the importance of remembering the bravery of these people and why they are still significant today. We will look at the symbol of the poppy and why people celebrate Remembrance Day.



In Science this term we will examine and explore a range of materials, discussing their properties. We will conduct investigations to explore waterproof and non-waterproof materials and how materials can change shape when different forces are applied. We will understand the importance of a fair test and display our results in different ways.


Design and Technology:

In our Year 2 Design and Technology lessons we will design and make fabric faces, learning how to cut and join materials in different ways.



Our Art topic is ‘Portraits.’ We will learn how to carefully sketch a face, adding colour. We will look at the work of Picasso and how he used colour and shape to create portraits. 



In Computing lessons this half term, we will be using the internet with a focus on safe searches and online safety.


Useful Websites:

Times Table Rock stars:


White Rose Maths: 

BBC bitesize



Previous Home Learning Tasks

Curriculum Overview of the Autumn Term



Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term


Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term

   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.