Keeping safe online is really important for us at Sundridge Primary School.


Our Esafety policy reflects the importance on using information systems and electronic communication safely. We aim to keep our children safe online and also when using mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. We feel it is important to educate our children on the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology.

All of our pupils and staff have signed ebehaviour agreements and training is provided annually for both staff and pupils and we have an e-safety committee which aims to provide opportunities for parents/carers to receive e-safety education and information, so that they feel confident in supporting their children to develop good e-safety behaviour. The school will report back to parents/ carers regarding e-safety concerns and will support parents /  carers to with the school in upholding the e-safety policy. We seek to learn from good e-safety practice elsewhere and utilise the support of the LA and relevant organisations when appropriate.


A copy of our Esafety policy has been agreed by governors and can be found at the link below. It links closely to our behaviour policy, child protection policy and anti bullying policy and is built into our Computing curriculum.


image (click logo to go to webiste)
